zondag 5 augustus 2018

Wrought iron - smeedijzer

The only miniature made is a wrought iron window for the bathroom.
I made it from quilling paper.

Het enige dat ik heb gemaakt is dit smeedijzeren raam van quilling papier.

It is too hot to handle the Willowcrest. I put it on a little chest of drawers a few weeks ago when I cleaned my house and that is where it still waits for cooler days.

Het is the warm om met de Willowcrest te slepen. Die staat al een paar weken op een kastje en blijft daar tot het koeler is.

I went away for a few days, visiting my highschool friend in Belgium. I used to live in Wallonia, Belgium. The French speaking part.

Ik ben een paar dagen naar Wallonië geweest, op bezoek bij mijn vriendinnetje van de lagere en middelbare school. Ik heb daar gewoond.

For the overseas readers: Belgium has 3 official languages and governments, plus a national government. The country is the size of a postage stamp and counts 11 million people.
Confused? So is everyone else ;-)

It was just as hot there as it was here but we did go out and went to see this see-through church. It's an art project.

Het was daar net zo warm als hier maar we zijn er toch op uit getrokken. We zijn naar dit Doorkijkkerkje geweest (heeft ooit in de Kampioen gestaan). Het is kunst in een veld.

The tower de toren

From this angle it looks solid vanuit deze hoek lijkt het massief

Can you see it? Kun jij het zien?

I only stayed 3 days. The other days, it was so hot I hardly did anything but go swimming at sunset.

Ik ben maar drie dagen weggeweest. De afgelopen dagen is het zo heet dat ik niets doe behalve zwemmen bij zonsondergang.

I just heard on the news that some people in Finland are spending the night in their supermarket, the only airconditioned, cool place! What a great idea!

Ik hoorde net op het nieuws dat in Finland mensen in de rij staan om in hun supermarkt te overnachten. Lekker koel!

Thank you for visiting my blog!! I really appreciate your comments!

Dank je dat je mijn blog bezoekt! Jouw commentaar wordt zeer gewaardeerd!

14 opmerkingen :

  1. Het smeedijzeren raam is prachtig, ik vind het heel knap dat je het hebt gemaakt van quilling papier, zeer mooi! Het kerkje is een mooi kunstwerk, ik zie het staan op de laatste foto, maar amper :-). Eigenlijk is het een slim idee, dat overnachten in een supermarkt :-D! Warme groetjes ;-D

    1. Het kerkje staat in Vlaanderen, misschien een leuke dagtrip ;-)

      Ja he? Slimme lui die Finnen :-D


  2. Your "wrought iron" window is stunning! The see-through church is a beautiful object of art. Thanks for sharing the photos.
    Hugs, Drora

  3. La ventana te ha quedado preciosa,imita perfectamente al hierro forjado!!
    La ola de calor nos está afectando a todos,no se tienen ganas de hacer nada!!Es muy bella esa iglesia.

    1. Thank you Pilar.
      Indeed, everybody is waiting for cooler weather. :-(

  4. Hello Veronique,
    The window is beautiful. You did a fantastic job of the ironwork. Thank you for sharing those great pictures.
    Big hug

  5. La forja te ha quedado preciosa.
    Bonitas fotos

  6. I'm in awe with your window… this quilling technique leads to a terrific result! Thanks for sharing photos of this awesome church / art project with us - and the idea of spending the night in the supermarket. Sadly no rescue idea for me - our supermarket had a breakdown of the cooling systems today. The only thing they had been able to save were the pizzas, since then I'm thinking if this is just a coincidence or telling something about customer's priorities… ;O) A few days ago they told on the radio that in the north of Norway they're warning drivers to be careful when passing tunnels because reindeers try to find protection from the heat there… *sigh*


  7. You know what worries me, apart from the pizza story (really??? *sigh*)
    This is only the beginning. Climate change is real and people still don't seem to realise.
    They promise us cooler weather from tomorrow. Let's hope so.

    Hang in there!


  8. Hi Veronique! I love the "quilling" done as wrought iron! What a great idea! The curls are lovely and make such a great pattern! I am sorry it is too hot to make minis... it seems we are all having a hotter than usual Summer. We have recently been too wet as well... it feels like the tropics came North for the Summer. I hope you get some relief soon! As for the "invisible" church ... also such an interesting idea! The angle of viewing makes such a difference! (Perhaps that is the metaphor we are supposed to "see"....!)

  9. That is deep Betsy! I am sure the artist had a deeper meaning but there was no information. But yes, it is the way (angle) we view something that dictates our reaction.
    Since last post, it rained! We are back to normal!


